Social Media Management & Content Creation

Business to Consumer (B2C)

Port Coffee Roasters

January 2021 - Present

Platform(s): Instagram & Facebook

ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Association

December 2024 - Present

Platform(s): Instagram, Facebook

UDance Dance Marathon

May 2022 - May 2023

Platform(s): Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Linkedin

Business to Business (B2B)

Hudson International

January 2024 - September 2024

Platform(s): LinkedIn

Since my take over of the ThyCa Instagram, the account has grown exponentially.

See for yourself!

Metrics: Making an impact.

Top Performing Content:

@ThyCainc on Instagram

Enjoy the view(s):





@UDanceDelaware on TikTok

Keeping up with the trends!

Some trends are a bit silly, but the key is figuring out how they can relate back to your brand. Some trends are crucial to join, as they can boost engagement, but timing is everything. See these examples of how I was able to implement growing trends (or memes) and make them correlate with the specific brand.

December 2024: Gift guides were a big trend on Instagram and TikTok. I put a twist on this, appealing to the brand of Port Coffee Roasters for their Instagram.

December 2024: At the end of the year, I’m sure we can all relate to seeing everyone post their Spotify Wrapped. This year, we saw some brands hop on the trend. For Port Coffee Roasters, I shared this to the Instagram story, letting our followers know how much they thought about coffee.

February 2024: Every year, Valentine’s Day Cards seem to be a reoccurring trend/meme on social media. I made a post for Port Coffee Roasters utilizing this trend in a way that relates to the brand.

November 2022: This slideshow trend, popular on TikTok, was made into a fun video to promote UDance’s recent merch drop. UDance’s mission is to raise awareness and money for childhood cancer. While this is a serious topic, the target audience is college kids, and because of this, it was important to hop on trends that would relate to and entertain this audience.

January 2023: This trend was popular amongst TikTok users who took this video of Adam Sandler and added text explaining a sad or stressful situation. For UDance, I jumped on this trend by adding a sad statistic about childhood cancer but adding images to better relate to the UDance brand. These added images are supplies for canning, a popular fundraising technique that students across the UD campus take part in to raise money for the cause.

Content Creation:

Product Photos

Content Creation:

TikTok Videos

Content Creation:

Graphic Design